Riverbend Virtual Assistance

Decrease Your Workload and Increase Your Productivity with Riverbend Virtual Assistance!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the ever-increasing demands on your time and energy? The solution to decreasing your workload and increasing your productivity is simpler than you might think: hire a virtual assistant. As visionary leaders, you have the ability to transform your businesses and personal lives by delegating tasks that consume your valuable time. Virtual assistants can handle administrative duties, manage your schedule, and even take on specialized projects, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – growing your business and spending quality time with your loved ones. Imagine the relief of having more time to strategize, innovate, and lead, while your virtual assistant efficiently handles the day-to-day tasks. By investing in a virtual assistant, you're not just saving time; you're investing in the future success of your business and reclaiming precious moments for the things that truly fulfill you. It's time to empower yourself and your business – take the leap, hire a virtual assistant, and watch your productivity soar. Be able to spend more quality time with your family. Contact us today to set up an appointment.


My name is Gail Akeman. I was a frugal living blogger for 8 years.

I love to help people and make their lives easier, which led me to Virtual Assisting.

I am reliable and motivated. I am also a member of the Riverbend Growth Association; a strong network of business owners. I am a also a member of the Little Black Book Women in Business group in my area which supports me personally and in business.

Contact me today to set up a free consultation to see what I can do for you and your business.

If you want to subscribe to my email newsletter sign up below.

Mastered Technologies

G-Suite--to assist with email management, documents, and image storage

Social Media Marketing Programs— to create graphics and scedule posts for social media

Email Marketing programs—to create and send out email newsletters to clients or customers

Facebook—to assist with Facebook Pages or group management

Microsoft Word—to create documents

Microsoft PowerPoint— to create presentations for the client

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • A virtual assistant is an independent contractor available for hire, on a contract or hourly basis, that provides a variety of business-related tasks.

  • Virtual assistants eliminate tedious, back-end tasks for business owners in order to give them more time to focus on other important aspects of their business.

  • Anytime! Riverbend Virtual Assistance can help new business owners stay organized during the start-up process, or by taking over tedious, back-end tasks so established business owners have time to focus on growth.